o/ (FEB13/19:12)

Mists of Pandaria Beta Addon Fixes/Changes

I created a simple Addon that emulates old (and most commonly used) LUA functions and frame templates from Cataclysm, because I’m too lazy to fix addons I didn’t code myself everytime when Blizzard changes the API or removes other stuff during the beta.

Big thanks to _Mike from OwnedCore for releasing a simple hack that allows us to use Addons in the current beta client. (It’s not my fault if you get banned for using this! Also don’t report errors to Blizzard caused by faulty addons!)


Frame Templates

  • UIPanelButtonTemplate2


You can enable a short debugging info be setting outputDebugInfo to true. It should only display every error once (but sometimes it’s buggy and debugstack() returns nothing useful – I didn’t invest a lot time in this, at least the line numbers are working, I also didn’t care about CPU efficiency.)

Other Changes

Tested/Working Addons


Current release (April 20, Client: 5.0.1-15589): [download#105]

If you think there’s something important missing or I interpreted a function/template wrong please leave a comment!

Updated Addons

If you came here looking for Mists of Pandaria addons, I updated those I regularly use:

You may find other addons here.


  • ASDF

    crashes the game client when you try to aoe

  • ASDF

    nvm ignore my last comment, overall the game is really crashy with the addon patch

    • Most spells that crash the game also crash it without the patch – at least that’s what I experienced in the last beta builds with Death and Decay and some quest items (I’m always trying to recreate the errors without the patched EXE before submitting error reports).

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