o/ (FEB13/19:12)

Mists of Pandaria Beta Addon Fixes/Changes

I created a simple Addon that emulates old (and most commonly used) LUA functions and frame templates from Cataclysm, because I’m too lazy to fix addons I didn’t code myself everytime when Blizzard changes the API or removes other stuff during the beta.

Big thanks to _Mike from OwnedCore for releasing a simple hack that allows us to use Addons in the current beta client. (It’s not my fault if you get banned for using this! Also don’t report errors to Blizzard caused by faulty addons!)

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iOS 5 Beta 4 OTA Update Installation

Idiotensicher wie man es von Apple gewohnt ist:

Dank Jailbreak schlägt das Update fehl. Um das OTA Update ohne JB durchzuführen soll Zurücksetzen der Einstellungen helfen (direkt am Gerät), dank iCloud Backup geht nichts verloren.

Firefox 5 Beta: Installation alter Addons

extensions.checkCompatibility.5.0: FALSE

Der Eintrag muss in der about:config neu erstellt werden!

iTunes 10.5 Beta Download (Windows)

OCT1/20:46 - iTunes plays:
The Prodigy - Wild Frontier

Kontakt Impressum Martin Karer 2008-2025